Children enjoy a welcoming, calm and inclusive approach towards interacting with each other and the staff, through learning to play and playing to learn – outdoors as well as indoors.
The learning experience is diverse and stimulating. Here we blend the Scottish Government guidelines for Pre-Birth to Three and A Curriculum for Excellence, with the Norwegian practice of nursery provision as an extension of home-life, all coupled with a passion for learning outdoors.
We play every day in our garden area, but love to venture further afield to our enclosed park area or even into the woods. We have staff who are not only dedicated practitioners, but also have specific training in planning for fun and safety when learning outdoors.
Learning is based around the children’s own needs and interests and they are involved in as many aspects of planning as possible, from daily routines such as lunch to special events including sports day and graduation ceremonies. We believe in adding extra meaning to these experiences by fully involving the children in every aspect of their learning journey, and we welcome the opportunity to share the practical experience with you, the parent.
At the Barnehage we aspire to create a fun, caring environment through excellent play opportunities. To achieve our aim, we will provide a high quality early years education which helps nurture children towards their full potential as confident individuals, responsible citizens, effective contributors and successful learners.
We deliver our vision by:
We are building a strong team of dedicated professionals at Barnehage, emphasising that suitably qualified applicants should have a fundamental affinity for the challenge of working with nursery-age children (six months to five years), and a passion for pre-school education.
The Barnehage has close ties with a Norwegian chain of children’s nurseries, which enable us to offer opportunities for staff to travel to Norway for unique learning experiences.